About Me

Why am I anonymous?

You might notice that I’m blogging under the pseudonym “Penny Walsh”—and there’s a reason for that. My financial journey is something I’ve kept private, even from my closest friends and family. They’re all incredibly good with money, and I’ve always admired their financial success, but that’s not my story (yet!). To be honest, I’m not ready for anyone in my personal life to know just how much debt I have. This space is where I can be completely transparent, share the messy truth, and connect with others who are also on the path to financial freedom, all without fear of judgment.

Learn more about here in my introduction post!

A Quick Heads-Up
I might be sipping coffee while updating my spreadsheets (or my blog!), so please allow a few days for a response. Your patience means the world to me!
Looking forward to hearing from you—let’s tackle this financial freedom journey together.